Plaudernde Welten - Mundos Parlantes
deutsche Version /// versión española
In the film workshop Plaudernde Welten - Mundos Parlantes, the collective rampe:aktion takes informal collective storytelling as a starting point for audiovisual experiments in the Hellersdorfer Kiez. The project took place within the framework of the program "Artistic Ecologies" of the nGbK station urbaner Kulturen.
The performative film workshop was oriented on the technique of "mapas parlantes" (talking maps), which are used in the context of participatory action research in Colombia. "Mapas parlantes" allow people to express their own stories in images instead of with words.
Together with participants from Hellersdorf and other parts of Berlin, rampe:aktion transferred this technique into their own experimental film, drawing and performance exercises in order to jointly tell fictional and documentary stories and to fantasize about possible futures of the neighborhood.
Conception and realization: rampe_aktion (Christian Diaz Orejarena, Lara Dade, Christian Limber, Ginan Seidl, Sahba Sahebi, Miriam Trostorf)
The project was part of “Artistic Ecologies”, a Project of nGbK - station urbaner kulturen.
We were guests at the Green Space Internationale, in Berlin Hellersdorf.
Wir danken allen Teilnehmenden und der Projektgruppe Station Urbaner Kulturen.